qb coffee corner 2

hoosac valley was in the league above us, division 2

we beat 2 other division 2 teams that year, taconic and drury

we were undefeated in our league

there, fixed it:

massachusetts state and regional highschool football champions wiki :

sue and our co-captain jeff were steadily dating our senior year, but i found out a few years later that allegedly jeff and tracy went to the senior prom together

before sue edited the yearbook or after ? 

we had lost our first 3 games in the 1980 season, but one of the games was against hoosac valley, again, not a league game and we won the rest of the league games that year, possibly because of the #ephexperiment

so as i recall, in 1980 we were kosier league champs with a league record of 5 wins and 2 losses - and coach  al george's sister beth was either editing the 1980 year book or co editing it and she apologized for not mentioning we were kosier league champs that year

as you can see, there was drama involved in the historical record keeping, even in hs football !

i don't know why i would remember that unless it happened, but someday i hope to return to wherever the league records are kept and post them

- princess cessy

eventually, i learned after many, many years, a valuable lesson from that 1981 hoosac valley game

bobby lane used to say 'i never lost a game, i just ran out of time'

one important lesson i learned about the ladies much later was that even though you think you lost, the game is not really over and they might just show up 'for another schwing'

much of my life after we lost that game was spent trying to figure out what i should have done to win that day

i had a bad game

threw a couple simple square out passes in the dirt - i couldn't believe it when it happened ! 

i really believed i could complete square out passes any time - they were my favorite pattern and we practiced them the most - oh they are called by different names now 

we called them 'square out' and 'square in'  back in the day only the reciever would actually turn sharply back in towards the line of scrimmage at 11 yards downfield and recieve the pass at 9 yards downfield

these square ins and square outs would complement the two long patterns we had, where the reciever would fake a square out or square in and then head deep out downfield toward the goal line flag or deep in downfield toward the goal posts

the square outs were always effective for us because when called in conjunction with the flag pattern or post pattern, the wingback, who would usually line up and run the pass pattern farthest to the 'strong' side of the field, ... 

(the strong side of the field would always be to the side of the field the wing back would line up on - if we wanted to attack the left side of the defensive team, we would call 'strong side left' and the whole front line and the backfield would re orient to the left) 

...would run a post or flag pattern with the quick fake at 11 yards and the tight end would run the square out, making his cut at 11 yards where the two recievers would cross - creating a moment of confusion for the defense's strong side safety and cornerback, whether they were in a zone defense or a man to man defense - it didn't matter -  the tight end would almost always be open just when he makes his cut - which made the crossing patterns, when used judiciously, almost unstoppable

all of the quarterbacks on the teams i played on would also be safetys or cornerbacks on defense - which is why the square out was my favorite passing route - it is almost impossible to cover if the defender does not know what route the reciever is running before hand and you hit the reciever with the pass just as he / she makes his or her cut

maybe i shouldn't tell this because mt greylock still might be using it - coach allen's playbook was very successful and changed little, if at all over 40 years

when i would play cornerback we would use a combination zone defense which is not complex like it sounds

the strong side safety and cornerback would start off with man to man coverage in their zones, like the cornerback would cover the outside reciever and the safety would cover the inside reciever... unless they crossed as was mentioned above, then the safety would yell 'switch' if the outside reciever took an inside route 

it gets more complex as you graduate to college or pro football

as i recall reading george plimpton's book 'paper lion' about a season plimpton played 3rd string qb for the detroit lions, he was  told stories of bobby lane dating the team owner, who would have him driven with her to practices in her limo

how to read defensive pass coverages:

but there was a lot more going on in that game than i realized, and i didn't realize it until years later - and what i truly believe was the solution that would have let us win that game happened, or i guess i should say, should have happened, 2 years earlier

i had thought of hundreds of things i thought i should have done - i had almost taken myself out of the game myself because i thought bret could do better - but when i finally realized what was wrong, well it was just a few, maybe 2 years ago - none of the things i could have done then really would have mattered - i could feel that somehow

but discovering it gave me closure - it healed that wound i had all my life from that loss

see it was just a bad game for me - 

qbs have bad games - they just happen

the rest of the team played great - scott, almost single handedly - kept us in the game both on defense and offence - the kid from hoosac valley - i think his name was bianchi or was it vianni - they were both good players - and scott - were voted the two best football players in berkshire county that year and scott was a junior

scott was dating exhibit e

- carlos

it gets even more dramatic:

exhibit f was exhibit c's sis

exhibit g and exhibit f were friends

exhibit g's brother dave told me exhibit f dated carlos

and carlos was the real reason we had lost the game

dave was dating exhibit h, the minister's daughter

carlos didnt do anything wrong and he doesn't deserve to be blamed for the one loss that haunted me and possibly our teammates almost our whole lives

see, carlos stopped playing on the team i guess it were after our freshmen year

qb coffee corner 3

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