dave's farm


- george died in 2014

dave and mary's farm

so i guess it was the summer after dave graduated mt greylock he lived in alaska camping in the woods near people he said always carried .357 or .44 magnum handguns because of the plentiful grizzly bears - i guess  just for the experience of it

then after he returned he went out west i think to missouri to a flight school and got his pilot's license toward the end of that summer while i was still trying to figure out how to beat the little flying saucer in the asteroids video game

i learned a good lesson from those two episodes in what you can call dave's amazing life because you could see his capapilities increase with each new adventurous accomplishment.

- fb

he would always see the adventure through to completion and after about 3 years, dave could accomplish - i guess - anything he had a mind to

he and his brothers made money shoveling peoples' driveways early in the mornings during high school - riding their bikes with their shovels all along on green river road which landed him an after school job at galusha's farm

he described one afternoon going to have lunch at an old cabin on the farm up near the foot of mt greylock and when he went inside, christopher reeve was already eating lunch there

so reeve invited him in and they had lunch together like it was just no thing

christopher reeve was a flying enthusiast and flew his glider plane over the berkshire hills often, as he describes in his autobio 'still me'

christopher reeves' cover pic of his autobio
'still me' as the front deck of his house in williamstown and that's mt greylock in the view

perhaps that lunch is where dave picked up the flying bug

we studied environmental science at bcc and dave said he was once covered with 24d (which is a weed killer related to agent orange which is 245-t) from a leaky sprayer so he began fasting to try to flush out the toxins

the first time he tried it we tried to climb mt greylock the first day only to barely make to the burger chef on the other side two days later weak legged and shaking with starving laughter because half way down the north adams side road - with both of us hungry and miserable - suddenly in the sullen silence dave says 'i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today!'

he fasted for health reasons at least once a year and could go 2 weeks without food before he got married but he would drink orange juice to keep his energy up

dave also invented and patented a battery powered camping stove that created a vortex which heated your food or boiled your coffee much quicker

dave patented his around 1986 this one is from biolite

dave and his friend karen rode their bicycles from the atlantic ocean all the way across America in the summer of 1986 i think they left from cape cod but they ended up in eugene, oregon where his brother joey lived with his wife juliana

dave returned to eugene and worked as a carpenter with joey then after attending &  graduating u mass during the formation of the  pixies he got a job with the state water quality department which must have led to the job working for the new york city water department

forgive me if i'm wrong but i am almost positive mr parkman taught dave's favorite class at bcc fluid hydraulics, which apparently helped dave do a whole bunch of inventions and projects like the following

dave's sare grant is from cornell university where the frey effect was discovered and which funded the mk ultra experiments at mcgill university richard helms (williams college class of 1935) allegedly destroyed the records of

the rockefeller commission led by then vice ptesident nelson rockefeller investigated the c i a in 1975 after the church committee did and it turns out the rockefellers kept some the documents from that era stored at their private residence 

was dave part of an experiment too ?

1977 new york times exhaustive article on c i a mind control experiments

graham hancock's list of mk ultra colleges, hospitals and organisations

ezra cornell founded western union and cornell university iwhere the frey effect was discovered and where the rockefellers funded the allan institute's mk ultra experiments through

the caller to art bell found the law saying the federal government had the right to experiment on u s cititzens without their permission as long as they had the permission of a town official ...at the cornell law library

the law was changed by an act of congress in 1997 after it was made infamous by art bell in ithica, ny where william ozmond wyckoff was born and remmington rand was founded

i became a vegetarian years later after i helped dave slaughter his pig (i was supposed to hold it by it's head while the butcher shot it but i couldn't and just dragged it out by the meat hook in it's mouth as it twitched and shook spamodically - the butcher said it was already dead but it didn't look it)

dave couldn't do it because he really liked the pig and the pig thought both dave and i were it's friends - and we were but...it's still the worst day in my life

the barn dave is standing next to is where it happened and where i promised myself i would become vegetarian one day and i only found out this year the college professor who did the experiment on hypnotism on our football team and i - lived in the house behind the barn

the dolan's house was at 720 hancock rd

dr crider's house is at 770 hancock rd

dr crider was the williams college professor who did the experiment mentioned in the story

dr crider's house looks like it might use the same driveway as dave's house growing up

dave and his older brother were on the team our sophmore year but they played on the front lines, and apparently weren't included 

but something strange happened that season and now i think it had something to do with the experiment

we lost a jv football game against mounument mountain 67 to 0

it was a weird game

dave's obit in the berkshire eagle where juliana's father worked - dave's mom wrote for the transcript

dave died in august of 2018 from a short undisclosed illness he sent one message to me from his brother tim's fb around then and didnt respond to my reply

i found his obit googling him

he died 3 months before my other very close friend pauline ouellet, who died the day after election day after getting the flu shot the day before election day

pauline's minister attended the mcgill university school of psychology during the allan memorial institute mk ultra period

dave's father in law passed away last month and was a story teller - barber who was asked to tell stories on syracuse radio stations

dave and i had to take professor congdon's  chem 101 twice (i had to take it 3 times) to pass 

idk what happened dave could have passed it easy

but i found professor congon's obit a few months ago

it said professor congdon was also a dragon soldier

dave was kris simmons' lab partner during one of those semesters, and he told me kris was gene simmons' son

dave's dad is still the d, stuart's dad is the 2nd c and martha's dad was the first c in cpd&c that dave's brother merged into mountain one

lynne's next door neighbor is the p

dave had been accepted into williams college but got his first 2 years  at the cheaper berkshire community college then got his bachelor's 2 years later at u mass saving a lot money while he lived off campus with a group of students who paid their rent by reparing and renovating some woman's house as they lived in it

'rock the casbah'

he could have transferred directly into his junior year at williams, but i might have accidently have talked him into going to u mass amherst because i thought it sounded better for an environmental science degree

pour one out for dave

dave ran ridgeview farm for a month when jeff and his dad went on a vacation touring America in a winnebego

since he lived in town and knew a local guitar player named heavy evvy he used to party with the williams kids

so he wound up with two birds one stone and a quart of scotch and the main reason for attending williams - meeting other williams kids & umass kids at drink addled dance parties

- certified organic

some of you know why leyland keyser has memory problems from those pre dui stuperfests

is this dave in palm beach ?

he said he flew down to florida in his plane often and somewhere there is a story about the plane - it was a antique plane i think

looks like dave

stick house :

where were you when the last episode of 'mash' was aired ?

an interesting tidbit: the dr who wrote the mash novel the movie and tv show were based on was a dr practicing in waterville, maine, where robert mahue grew up and david rockefeller's son richard 

- okay this is where the problem is

i found a story that said richard rockefeller practiced in waterville treating ptsd vets and then mentioned it then it disapeared - but something blocked me from getting the link and the screenshot i usually get when i find something very interesting

so until i find it again if it is real 

- might have or might have not - practiced medicine before dying in a plane crash he was piloting in 2014

'Allison Bennett, editorial consultant for Pure Catskills, said that as with dedicated farmers everywhere, it would take more than the major storm that hit Delaware County in late June to hinder the group's momentum. "The organization supports 143 agriculture firms, of which 100 are fruit and vegetable producers in nine Catskill Mountain region counties," said Ms. Bennett. "Many farmers in Delaware County at the far west of the range lost their entire crops in the storm. The town of Walton was completely flooded. [The Federal Emergency Management Agency] is there now conducting recovery efforts, and Senator Hillary Clinton has arranged for extra forage for those who lost the feed they grow for their animals."

As soon as the fields drained, however, growers were replanting. Many of the lost crops were slower-growing products like potatoes, so growers opted to replant faster-growing items like arugula, mesclun mix and other greens. Richard Giles, owner of Lucky Dog Farm in Hamden, NY, lost 40,000 pounds of fingerlings.

"Oddly enough, his Chioggia beets -- the candy-stripped variety -- did extremely well," said Ms. Bennett. "Farmers are now back on track. Mary and Dave Dolan, owners of Flying Rabbit Farm in Otego [NY], grow top-quality organic products that are so highly desired that Baldor picks up its orders by truck. The couple didn't have much time to wallow in their storm sorrows -- they celebrated the birth of their new baby just as the storm [hurricane ernesto] passed."'

The Produce News
August 31, 2006


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