our late friend dave, who i believe might be the reason i think i inspired the 'dumb and dumber' movies, might have invented a restaurant name somehow while we were playing a game of scrabble

somehow we began just making up words and claiming they were real words - only now, i wonder - did dave somehow know of this restaurant i had never heard of until we all discovered it years later - and it was a real word ?

when i believed dave was just making up words i tried it and i just remember the word i made up - tabudiglyn, but it did not become a real word !

'rax' was not in the dictionary when dave made it up but a number of years later it became common usage - and i remember being at a burger chef or burger king in bennington when he made that word up in some kind of scrabble game that came with the meal

dave might have been part of an experiment also

around 1995 a caller to the art bell radio program informed us he had found a law in the cornell university copy of the u s civil code which stated that the federal government had a right to experiment upon u s citizens without their knowledge or permission as long as they notified an official in the community the experiments were taking place

i didn't know how to use the computer then but i asked the librarian at the pinellas park library near the former beaux arts coffeehouse  to print out a copy of the alleged civil code and it was as it had been stated by the caller

at the time art had the 2nd most listeners of any talk radio program and the law was quickly changed in 1997, the year i found a hypnotic trigger tangled in the spokes of my bicycle

kurt vonnegut went to cornell and the frey effect was discovered there 

cornell university, (while itself was being funded by the rockefeller foundation) funded the allan memorial institute mk ultra experiments at mcgill university

it was an experiment that involved one class room of our 4th grade class and i think dave was a member of the class room but im not certain

thanks joey obrien (#45) for the photo

it wasn't my class room

one of my fb friends or her sister and her brother were part of the class room and i'll ask her but she might not answer

most of my friend's family are republican and she, her sister and her brother apparently have been grieviously injured

but there were 3 people who were part of the class room that had just shown up at our school that year or the year before and seemed to have left our school shortly after

jean claude (i don't remember his last name), kate knotman and randy morris

the experiment may be an important clue about what happened to us all

- abel j morneault library

there was a little girl about 7 or 8 years old who came up to the abel j morneault library in van buren, maine a few years ago in a wheelchair

the lady who brought her seemed to be acting very mean to her and it seemed odd

but it had happened before when i was at the library and after

these adults would come in with children and berate them in public, and it seemed to me like they were doing it to get some kind of reaction out of me

this was about 4 or 5 years ago

then i recently remember i had liked kate knotman and something bad had happened

i think somehow kate had told me she didnt like me - i dont remember it now - but i think i got mad in my own mind and wished she was paralyzed

it might not be a real memory, but after i remembered feeling that way i realized the little girl in wheelchair looked like kate

i remembered that after i had heard this song performed by colm keegan of celtic thunder :

'a pedal singer' is an old fashioned singer sewing machine that was operated by what were like bicycle pedals

  • the little girl in the wheel chair and the lady who brought her were real people i'm pretty sure

 but i'm not sure who or what they were

percy knew the lady and had talked with her another time - and i had asked percy who she was and he told me but i forgot her name

i asked percy why they wouldnt give the little girl a power chair and he said the doctors won't let you have one until you have to have it because you might not get enough cardio exercise - if i remember right

i remember feeling guilty immediately after that thought and that reminded me of another strange thought i had

i have a memory of sitting on our couch as a child and hearing on the radio that john lennon said the beatles were bigger than jesus and i immediately became very angry and i remember thinking to myself 'john lennon should be shot !' then immediately feeling guilty and thinking 'that's not a very christian thought!'

and that reminds me of hearing about the 2 christian women that were being held captive under threat of execution by the taliban in afghanistan before 9/11

something about the tone of voice the 970 wfla news reporter reported that story made me enraged and i thought 'we should wipe out the taliban!'

and there is more

but these thoughts might have not been natural and i'm looking at them now and i think they were made to happen thoughts created for the story

ok i remember now it was my fb friend's sister who had been in the class and the sister had been friends with kate

my friend and her other sister may have been injured by something i thought

 or i was apparently made aware my friend and her sister were injured because i had seen them get injured in my imagination only i didnt think it really happened - it looked like the cartoon people i see in my mind slipping and falling after they attacked me but i could always kind of rub the imaginary people with my hand if they got injured and they would always be ok again

but after i talked with my friend and her sister on fb i found out they had been injured the way i had seen in my imagination even tho we hadn't talked to each other for over 20 years

my friend and her sister appeared to become injured in my imagination the same way i later found out they turned out to have been injured in the real world

then last year their brother appears to have been injured also

again, i don't know what the experiment was or what the purpose of it was or how the class was different in any way except one - they had a business project where they sold shares of stock in a popcorn machine 'company' to kids and grown ups then purchased a large popcorn machine like you used to see at the movies and they sold bags of popcorn during the recesses for each grade - i think two kids were given excuses to miss class for each period to staff the popcorn machine and they sold the bags of popcorn  for - was it 15 cents per bag ?

then i believe they sold the popcorn machine, returned the original investment plus a dividend divied up from the net profit to the share holders and recieved a grade at the end of the school year

the popcorn was really good

it looked similar to these

again, i'm pretty sure dave was in the experimental class, i kind of recall asking him about it and i think he said there was nothing special about the class it was just like a regular class

but something strange had once happened to dave, and i'm not sure when it happened or if i'm remembering this correctly or even if it is a real memory now, but dave's mom i think once told me dave had jumped into a swimming pool that had the water drained out of it, was seriously injured and the doctors said he would never make it past a certain grade level - like i guess it was the 4th or 5th grade she had said but now i'm not certain

the doctors told dave's parents about an experimental treatment - i think it was in vermont - that might cure dave and they tried it and dave went on to become an honor student in almost every college semester he attended - at least up until he graduated from u mass when we went our different paths


curiously, dave played on the highschool football team for i think it was 2 years before getting a job at jimmy galusha's farm  by having gone with his brother timmy on their bikes in winter asking people if they wanted their driveways shoveled before school each morning it snowed

galusha's farm

i remember thinking how did they even get up early enough to do that i was lucky if i woke up before the bus came

where were you when the last episode of 'mash' was aired ?

an interesting tidbit: the dr who wrote the mash novel the movie and tv show were based on was a dr practicing in waterville, maine, where robert mahue grew up

robert mahue was the inspitration for 'mission impossible' and the original 'mission impossible' starred raymon burr who apparently was friends with dave's dad, who did a number of wmmb radio commercials for cpd&c

it interests me because onwe a night watchman partner at the clark art institute was walter burr who told me he saw the marines put the flag up on okinawa when the famous photograph was taken

while i was working at the art museum i was training on the artose at carol cable with mike horan who had been at the battle of chosen resevoir in the korean war, and they both told me something that seemed odd

walter said when they landed on okinawa there were guys to the left and right of him getting blown up and dying and mike said the same thing 

both of them adding 'there was nothing you could do' - which resonated 

a girl who also worked in the wire factory dated tom cruise who starred in the 'mission impossible' movies

senator mitchell and senator olympia snowe also lived in waterville where robert mahue and paul lepage grew up

david rockefeller's son richard was also a dr practicing in waterville who specialized in ptsd

- and there we go this is why i write this stuff the better angels told me not to write about dave telling me this in the current eugenic like atmosphere but ptsd is aquired not genetic 

if dave really did dive into an empty pool as a child that would be traumatic too

dave told me he would disassociate - leave his body and fly up into the air - in fact that is how i learned the term, when dave mentioned it

disassociation is a symptom of ptsd

dave, tim and i watched the last episode of m a s h either in providence, rhode island or georgetown, in washington, dc:

leland keyser doesn't remember christine ford and brett kavanaugh's 'party':

sterling clark's family inherited the singer sewing machine fortune but sterling was dis owned by his brother because he wouldnt remarry and have children

back to dave's farm


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