Williams Record Unofficial Summer Page

many of you don't yet know the u s gave the phillipines it's independence after the spanish american war the u s won, aquiring the phillipines from spain

spain was fascist during and after ww2 under franco but did not join the other axis powers in the war

so the new head coach for the utah jazz reportedly got his job because coach curt tong recommended him

coach tong was forced as a child to an internment camp in the phillipines run by the japanese during ww2

'bataan death march' wiki

here is coach tong's book:


Only hours after bombs fell on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Philippine Islands were attacked by Japan. Living on the islands at that time was youngster Curtis Tong; his two sisters, Eloise and Annarae; and his parents, Walter and Margaret, American missionaries posted in the Philippines. A forced march to Camp John Hay in Baguio with five hundred other American and British prisoners of war introduced this family to a new life of fear and starvation.

Author Curtis Tong vividly recalls his three years as a child prisoner of the Japanese Imperial Army. His father was imprisoned far from his family in Davao, Mindanao for a long stretch of internment. Curtis was further isolated from his mother and sisters, relegated to the men's barracks. His family's difficult journey through several concentration camps and prisons not only exposed Curtis to the sights and sounds of anger, hatred and torture, but also taught him the truths of abiding love.'


- 'a child of war'

- nbc news fb saturday, july 2nd, 2022


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