so the eugenics promoting tom buchanan in the great gatsby was inspired by tommy hitchcock jr whose wife, margaret, was the beautiful daughter of the founder of gulf oil, william laramie mellon

'F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald knew the Hitchcocks from living across the water from one another at Great Neck and Sands Point. Fitzgerald biographers have noted that he was in awe of Hitchcock, the wealthy WASP sportsman with the charmed life, and he modeled Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby after Tommy as well as the Tommy Barban character in Tender is the Night.'

- roman and littlefield 'american hero'

in tom wolfe's 'electric kool aid acid test', the mk ultra victim ken kesey's bus - driven by 'on the road' by jack kerouac's antihero, neal cassidy - ends up at the millbrook estate in duchess county in upstate new york (where g gordon liddy was the d a at the time and in the town where standard oil ceo walter teagle lived) which estate was owned by tommy mellon's 3 children:

'Three of Hitchcock's children – Margaret, Thomas III, and William – loaned the Hitchcock Estate in Millbrook, New York to Timothy Leary from 1963 to 1968, and it became a nexus of the psychedelic movement of that decade.'

- tommy hitchcock jr wiki

the n y mellon bank has over $46 trillion in assets under it's management

in 1937, tommy hitchcock jr  also became a partner at lehman brothers which was founded by herbert lehman, who was jewish and attended williams college

lehman brothers was the only major u s financial company not bailed out by george w bush's (aka george scherff the 3rd's) t a r p program and hence was forced to declare chapter 11 bankruptcy

'There is a vast amount of publicly available information on the Lehman bankruptcy, much of it gathered by the Congressionally appointed Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and by the examiner appointed by the court. These and other public records provide good reason for people not to believe Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner: their story isn’t true.'

- laurence m ball in the guardian september 3rd, 2018

amy hitchcock lived somewhere off or out on hancock road, was in the class behind us, and was strikingly beautiful

amy's dad helped found multiple local ski resorts:

'Wounded in one of the last major battles in Germany, he was awarded the Purple Heart, Silver Star for Gallantry, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. The remainder of his military service was in occupied Austria, where he also expanded his skiing experiences. Upon his discharge from the military in 1946, he entered Williams College.'


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