qb coffee corner 9

andrew hosmer is the kid to the left of 'dio' (andrew diodati) at the center of the photo

and he is to the right of 'pokes' (chris pelletier)


andrew lost a state senate seat election in new hampshire as a democrat by 17 votes in 2016 and is now the mayor of laconia, new hampshire

- ballotpedia

which means there is more drama to this pic than we see at first sight, because 'dio' and probably by extension his closest friend 'pokes' were staunch conservatives during jeff and my senior year playing baseball with both of them

jeff's girlfriend sue edited the school paper where dio had written a scathing but quite humorous political article sue published that made a nasty but but quite funny joke about sue dating jeff

until recently, jeff had lived in kennebunkport

probably because of sue, jeff, an honors student, self identified as a democrat and he did not appreciate what he felt was an insult to his girlfriend and was about to engage in violence with dio one day at practice after the article came out, when pokes stepped in front of him and shoved jeff...

...it would have been a great fight both jeff and pokes were about 6'1" 220-230 and both were stellar atheletes

...but i would have felt bad for each of them, if one of them lost, so i stopped their fight - then i realized the fight should have taken place in the school newspaper...

dad had told me as sports advice not to talk about religion or politics...

which works for most people 

but the guy who said 

- all it takes for evil to win is slackers to stay off the field -

was warning us of what happens because of the guy who said 

- power is ever stealing from the many to the few -

...and America, the very first liberal nation in the world, the nation that ended slavery with the great awakenings, the nation that went to the moon 65 years after the first flight at kitty hawk, the nation that invented comic books, $5 hot & ready pizza, cell phones and rock & roll - is worth fighting for


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