" Republicans have a hard time reconciling the thought that President Abraham Lincoln, the founder of their party, espoused core liberal values.  The real truth is that Lincoln wouldn’t fit in all that well in today’s Grand Old Party. In fact, despite legend of his vampire hunting skills, Lincoln’s liberalism was so pronounced that modern day conservatives either ignore his quotes or they invent things he never said. "


  • abraham lincoln signed into law liberal reforms such as the first homestead act, which gave away public land to individuals, including blacks, as long as they didn't take up arms against America, the morrill act, which provided public land grants for the creation of state colleges and universities,  the pacific railroad act , which created the federally financed trans-continental railroad, and the national banking act, which created a national banking system to counter the economic upheaval created when the south attacked the union

     and the first progressive income tax with           revenue act of 1862,

both of which allowed the union army victory over pro-slavery rebels

in the last speech of his life, which caused john wilkes booth to become enraged enough to murder, lincoln argued for voting rights for blacks


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