
Showing posts from May, 2022
oh, right so the acadians are all part native american because the original acadian settlers who came from near the loire valley in france were all male - bangor daily news 'In the late 18th century, the British deported the Acadians (French colonists in Acadia) from eastern Canada after defeating France in the Seven Years' War and taking over their territories in North America east of the Mississippi River. Some Acadian refugees were resettled in Louisiana along the Mississippi River; their descendants became known as Cajuns.[11] They also put pressure on the Chitimacha population because they took over their land. Eventually some Chitimacha (of which the Grand Caillou/ Dulac Tribe are  members of) married Acadians and gradually became acculturated to their community, including converting to Catholicism.[11] Others absorbed Europeans into Chitimacha society. Mixed-race children born to Chitimacha women were considered to belong to their mother's families and ge...
  so the eugenics promoting tom buchanan in the  great gatsby was inspired by tommy hitchcock jr whose wife, margaret, was the beautiful daughter of the founder of gulf oil, william laramie mellon 'F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald knew the Hitchcocks from living across the water from one another at Great Neck and Sands Point. Fitzgerald biographers have noted that he was in awe of Hitchcock, the wealthy WASP sportsman with the charmed life, and he modeled Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby after Tommy as well as the Tommy Barban character in Tender is the Night.' - roman and littlefield 'american hero' in tom wolfe's 'electric kool aid acid test', the mk ultra victim ken kesey's bus - driven by 'on the road' by jack kerouac's antihero, neal cassidy - ends up at the millbrook estate in duchess county in upstate new york (where g gordon liddy was the d a at the time and in the town where standard oil ceo walte...
  mom's day dad was an amateur photographer and used to tell me to do something with my hands when we were taking family photos to make the photo more interesting sigourney weaver advises the williamstown film festival in our hometown (temporarily closed) because so many famous actors had learned their chops from nikos psacharopoulos at the williamstown theater festival - williams college bob ware (williams '70) was instrumental in starting steve lawson's (williams '71) film festival - bought a subaru all wheel drive from the wares for $400 - great car - saw ms ware crash into another car after she passed me on my miyata 18 speed mountain bike just before cumberland farms where the gas pump handle came off on a customer once while i was cashier and gas poured all over the parking lot while jay galusha walked up to the door smoking a marlborough -  the chick who was training me fortunately thought of shutting off the red emergency pump shut off button i didn't even k...