- scmp

- the williams record

so curt tong was williams college basketball coach when harry sheehy, who is now the a d at dartmouth, played and coach tong's son kurt tong became the consul general to hong kong until i posted about kurt on the bdn editorial and opinion page and trump fired him just before covid

but because of that i became involved and interested in the #umbrellarevolution in h k and then, after learning a little of the history of h k and britain, became interested in #brexit as well

so then i learned a bunch of stuff by getting into arguments at u k sites and the s c m p, like winston churchill's mom gave williams it's school colors and churchill nationalized b p from iran before it became part of standard oil - and the history of the opium wars

also, it appears putin installed boris johnson and promoted brexit with his u k oligarchs the same way he installed trump here - to break up nato (trump threatened to take the u s out of nato)

the arguments and insults are a little tough to take at first, but as our skin becomes thicker we find this f b has one really good purpose - to open dialogue with other nations between real people

#southchinamorningpost was owned by #alibaba creator and world's richest card carrying communist billionaire jack ma until he was 'disapeared' by the authoritarian chinese regime

china created a 'market economy' by melding socialism and free market ideology after the rockefeller funded nixon administration opened dialogue with china and the carter administration began providing economic aid and expertise, and it had been the fastest growing economy in the world and the u s's largest trading partner until trump's trade war made russian exports to china and other nations sky rocket


mika brzezinski graduated williams college in 1989

the carter admin was advised to normalize relations with china by the trilateral commission founded by david rockefeller and  zbigniew brzezinski

republican david rockefeller also convinced jimmy carter to let the shah of iran into the u s for medical treatment which caused the iranian hostage crisis and hence the 1980 'october surprise' and is why the shah's family had moved to williamstown, as richard helms, williams '35, had been ambassador to iran during the shah's reign

'Out of this thesis, Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, serving as director from 1973 to 1976.[5] '


'Every single member of Carter’s National Security Council – the highest official policy-making body in America – came from the Trilateral Commission: Carter himself, Walter Mondale, Vance, Brown and Blumenthal. In his autobiography, Why Not the Best?, Carter wrote admiringly of the Trilateral Commission as a “splendid learning opportunity” and he has to date drawn 16 members of his administration from the commission.'


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