" Savvius (formerly WildPackets) was founded in 1990 as The AG Group by Mahboud Zabetian and Tim McCreery. They soon changed their name to WildPackets. The first product by Savvius was written for the Mac and called EtherPeek. It was a protocol analyzer for Ethernet networks. It was later ported to Microsoft Windows , which was released in 1997. " " On the morning of July 15, 2002, Savvius' building in Walnut Creek , California burnt to the ground. However, the company survived the fire. [3] " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OmniPeek " Mr. Zabetian served as President and CEO of WildPackets for 10 Years before taking the role of Chairman. Prior to founding WildPackets, Inc., Mr. Zabetian held several different technical roles at Princeton University, Kinetics, Excelan, and Novell where he developed a number of network management, performance, and productivity tools including the EtherPeek program. He was also F...